“Movies that you’ve seen on our list reflect blockbusters

The films were selected by a group of five people representing editorial leadership within MTV News and NextMovie. Each person compiled a list of their favorite films throughout the year, and spirited debates ensued. The group aimed to choose movies that would resonate with the MTV audience, making it different than many critics’ year-end lists.
“Movies that you’ve seen on our list reflect blockbusters, but the blockbusters that are really great,” Horowitz says. “Also, they reflect smaller films that we’ve really enjoyed.”
“I think the great thing like a list we put together is it’s hard for a film like The Muppets or Bridesmaidsor something like that – which are real people-pleasers – to find their way in the more serious season of film that we’re in right now,” adds NextMovie’s Scott Robson. “It’s an opportunity for us to give a little shout-out, that these films are loved and appreciated even if they don’t get statuettes at the end of the day.”

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